Deutscher Sportlehrerverband e.V.

Landesverband Niedersachsen

Deutscher Sportlehrerverband (DSLV) e.V.
Landesverband Niedersachsen
Postfach 101201
30833 Langenhagen

EUPEA-Veranstaltung am 23. Juni 2020, 18:00-20:00 Uhr

First Physical Education Online Meeting

The Covid-19 pandemic has radically changed the way education systems operate in Europe. Many European countries have not considered physical education as a priority. The European Physical Education Association, which brings together all physical education associations in Europe, is organizing the first European online physical education evening.
During this event, different physical education teachers from all over Europe will present the situation of physical education.

Take part in this first online evening.

Eupea will present the position stament on physical education.

Share around you to make this event a historic moment for physical education in Europe.…/1FAIpQLScU-JTLv76ZYc6aH…/viewform…
AISEP UNESCOPhysical education